mySql and multiple connection for threads

johnny rampeters at
Fri Dec 8 13:23:09 EST 2006

How do you create multiple connection in the treads.  Lets say I will
have at most 5 threads and I want to create at most 5 connections.  If
I create a connection in the "worker method", does it create connection
for each threads.

def worker(tq):
    while True:
        host, e = tq.get()

        c = ftplib.FTP(host)
            p = os.path.basename(e)
            download_dir = r'H:/ftp_download/'
            ps_dir = r'H:/ftp_download/'
            filename = download_dir+p
            fp = open(filename, 'wb')
            try: c.retrbinary('RETR %s' % e, fp.write)
            finally: fp.close()
        finally: c.close()
        if (p.lower().endswith('.ps') ):
            partFileName = p.split('.', 1)
            movedFile = download_dir + p
            #movedFile = p
            finalFile = ps_dir + partFileName[0]+'.pdf'
            encode_cmd = r'ps2pdf '+ movedFile + ' '+ finalFile

        conn = adodb.NewADOConnection('mysql')
        conn.Connect('localhost', 'temp', 'temp', 'temp')
        sql = r"update file where file_path='"+p+"' set
pdf_file_path='" +finalFile+"'"
        cursor = conn.Execute(sql)
        rows = cursor.Affected_Rows()

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