Why not just show the out-of-range index?

Russ uymqlp502 at sneakemail.com
Mon Dec 4 00:08:21 EST 2006

Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

> And I have some laundry that I would like you to do for me.  Let me know
> when a convenient time for you to pick it up would be.

What that has to do with this thread escapes me, but since you
apparently have nothing better to do than track down information that
should have been provided to you, it's no wonder you don't have enough
time to do your own laundry.

When you call information to get a phone number, do you first ask if
they have the number, then call back a second time to get it if the
answer is yes?

If a policemen gives you a speeding ticket, do you expect him to tell
you how fast he thinks you were going, or are you content to wait for
the court date?

Get your mother to do your laundry -- after she dresses you in the

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