merits of Lisp vs Python
Paul Rubin
Tue Dec 12 06:36:46 EST 2006
Pascal Costanza <pc at> writes:
> May you have tried the wrong Lisp dialects so far:
> (loop for i from 2 to 10 by 2
> do (print i))
The loop language is so complicated and confusing that I never
bothered trying to learn it. I always used simpler primitives to
write loops and it was always enough.
> This is Common Lisp. (Many Lisp and Scheme tutorials teach you that
> you should implement this using recursion, but you really don't have
> to. ;)
You can't really use that much recursion in Lisp because of the lack
of guaranteed TCO. I think that makes it reasonable to say that
Scheme is a functional language but Lisp is not. ("Functional" = it's
reasonable to code in a style where the only way to connect variables
to values is lambda binding (maybe through syntax sugar), so all loops
are implemented with recursion).
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