merits of Lisp vs Python
Alex Mizrahi
udodenko at
Fri Dec 8 12:08:04 EST 2006
(message (Hello 'Bjoern)
(you :wrote :on '(Fri, 08 Dec 2006 17:31:08 +0100))
??>> hell no, lisp's syntax is much easier than python's since it's
??>> homogenous
BS> Can you give an example? I cannot imagine how homogenity always
BS> results in easiness.
homogenity means that i can cut any expression and paste in any other
expression, and as long as lexical variables are ok, i'll get correct
results -- i don't have to reindent it or whatever.
this is aproximately what programmer does -- he paste pieces of code from
his mind into the program.
BS> [many parentheses]
??>> that make logic more explicit
BS> Can you give an example?
also, there's no need for operator precendence to be taken in accound --
order is explicitly defined. expressions are homogenous, they do not depend
on other expressions near them (except lexical variables and side effects).
the other example of homogenous syntax is XML, that is very popular
nowadays, and it's very similar to lisp's s-expressions.
certainly, it's a matter of taste what syntax to prefer -- i prefer lisp
syntax, others might prefer Python, ML or Haskell syntax.
but homogenous syntax is very important for true macros.
??>> (and certainly lisp was invented much 30 years before
??>> Python, so that's Python uses Lisp features)
BS> I think you acknowledged that the syntax is different and not
BS> borrowed?
(With-best-regards '(Alex Mizrahi) :aka 'killer_storm)
"People who lust for the Feel of keys on their fingertips (c) Inity")
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