Generating all permutations from a regexp
BJörn Lindqvist
bjourne at
Mon Dec 25 18:48:24 EST 2006
With some help from the sre_parse module (and the Python Cookbook),
here is the completed module:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
from sre_constants import *
import sre_parse
import string
category_chars = {
CATEGORY_DIGIT : string.digits,
CATEGORY_SPACE : string.whitespace,
CATEGORY_WORD : string.digits + string.letters + '_'
def unique_extend(res_list, list):
for item in list:
if item not in res_list:
def handle_any(val):
This is different from normal regexp matching. It only matches
printable ASCII characters.
return string.printable
def handle_branch((tok, val)):
all_opts = []
for toks in val:
opts = permute_toks(toks)
unique_extend(all_opts, opts)
return all_opts
def handle_category(val):
return list(category_chars[val])
def handle_in(val):
out = []
for tok, val in val:
out += handle_tok(tok, val)
return out
def handle_literal(val):
return [chr(val)]
def handle_max_repeat((min, max, val)):
Handle a repeat token such as {x,y} or ?.
subtok, subval = val[0]
if max > 5000:
# max is the number of cartesian join operations needed to be
# carried out. More than 5000 consumes way to much memory.
raise ValueError("To many repetitions requested (%d)" % max)
optlist = handle_tok(subtok, subval)
iterlist = []
for x in range(min, max + 1):
joined = join([optlist] * x)
return (''.join(it) for it in itertools.chain(*iterlist))
def handle_range(val):
lo, hi = val
return (chr(x) for x in range(lo, hi + 1))
def handle_subpattern(val):
return list(permute_toks(val[1]))
def handle_tok(tok, val):
Returns a list of strings of possible permutations for this regexp
handlers = {
ANY : handle_any,
BRANCH : handle_branch,
CATEGORY : handle_category,
LITERAL : handle_literal,
IN : handle_in,
MAX_REPEAT : handle_max_repeat,
RANGE : handle_range,
SUBPATTERN : handle_subpattern}
return handlers[tok](val)
except KeyError, e:
fmt = "Unsupported regular expression construct: %s"
raise ValueError(fmt % tok)
def permute_toks(toks):
Returns a generator of strings of possible permutations for this
regexp token list.
lists = [handle_tok(tok, val) for tok, val in toks]
return (''.join(it) for it in join(lists))
def join(iterlist):
Cartesian join as an iterator of the supplied sequences. Borrowed
def rloop(seqin, comb):
if seqin:
for item in seqin[0]:
newcomb = comb + [item]
for item in rloop(seqin[1:], newcomb):
yield item
yield comb
return rloop(iterlist, [])
########## PUBLIC API ####################
def ipermute(p):
toks = [tok_n_val for tok_n_val in sre_parse.parse(p)]
return permute_toks(toks)
def permute(p):
return list(ipermute(p))
Used like this:
from permute import ipermute
for s in ipermute('[A-Z]\d'):
print s
Almost all regular expression constructs are supported except for '*'
(which in the Python sre_parse implementation matches 0 to 65535
times), '+' and '^'. Non-ASCII characters doesn't work, but I think
that is a limitation in the sre_parse module. It works by first
parsing the regexp to string sequences so that [A-Z] becomes ['A',
'B', ... 'Z'], \d becomes ['1', ... , '9']. Then a Cartesian join is
applied on all string sequences to get all possible permutations of
them all.
Suggestions for improvements very much appreciated.
mvh Björn
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