merits of Lisp vs Python
Wolfram Fenske
int2k at
Sat Dec 9 02:38:02 EST 2006
David Lees <debl2NoSpam at> writes:
> JShrager at wrote:
>> Okay, since everyone ignored the FAQ, I guess I can too...
>> Mark Tarver wrote:
>>> How do you compare Python to Lisp? What specific advantages do you
>>> think that one has over the other?
>> (Common) Lisp is the only industrial strength language with both pure
>> compositionality and a real compiler. What Python has is stupid slogans
>> ("It fits your brain." "Only one way to do things.") and an infinite
>> community of flies that, for some inexplicable reason, believe these
>> stupid slogns. These flies are, however, quite useful because they
>> produce infinite numbers of random libraries, some of which end up
>> being useful. But consider: Tcl replaced Csh, Perl replaced Tcl, Python
>> is rapidly replacing Perl, and Ruby is simultaneously and even more
>> rapidly replacing Python. Each is closer to Lisp than the last; the
>> world is returning to Lisp and is dragging the flies with it.
>> Eventually the flies will descend upon Lisp itself and will bring with
>> them their infinite number of random libraries, and then things will be
>> where they should have been 20 years ago, but got sidetracked by Tcl
>> and other line noise.
> Hmmm. The last time I fooled around with Lisp was 1966 from the Lisp
> 1.5 Manual Published by MIT in cloth. It was interesting and
> different from the other languages I was using, Algol 60, Basic and
> Macro assembler for the GE-235 and GE-635. When I read some of the
> over the top type hype by Lisp enthusiasts (like the stuff above) it
> feels like a flash back to the mid 60's. Personally, I never like
> Lisp syntax; Clearly some people, some fanatic judging by this thread
> :) think easily in prefix. I am not one of them.
Doesn't matter. We are Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is
futile. :-)
But seriously, look at how features from Lisp are constantly finding
their way into mainstream programming languages and have done so for
decades (garbage colection, closures, ...). Maybe one day prefix
notation and Lisp style macros will also find their way into other
languages and then Lisp will finally take over. :-) And here's another
thing: All the interesting features that haven't originated from Lisp
(e. g. OO from Smalltalk) could in turn easily be implemented in Lisp
with a couple of macros. I. e. if Common Lisp didn't have CLOS, its
object system, I could write my own as a library and it would be just
as powerful and just as easy to use as the system Common Lisp already
provides. Stuff like this is impossible in other languages.
To summarize: Lispers are not fanatics. And if we appear to be then
it is simply because we recognize that Lisp truly is The Chosen
Language. [1]
[1] Kidding! :-) ... or am I?
Wolfram Fenske
A: Yes.
>Q: Are you sure?
>>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
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