Python Question About Compiling.
Paul Boddie
paul at
Fri Dec 1 07:08:00 EST 2006
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> yndesai wrote:
> > Is it that no compiling facility is hindering the growth of python
> > in commercial circuit . . . ?
I can see the point of people who are confused about single file
executables for Python programs, who are possibly new to the technology
and don't know where to look [1] or which questions to ask, and I can
also see the need in various situations for people to make such
executables. That said, I don't buy into the kind of hypothetical "ISVs
need this and that" pontification seen on places like Planet GNOME,
written by people who work at companies like Novell. The "commercial
circuit" will use a technology (and, in fact, have been using Python
for some time) when they recognise the genuine benefits of the
technology, and if the technology doesn't deliver exactly what they had
in mind, they'll either put in some effort to shape it to their liking
or they'll look elsewhere. If none of this activity has any community
benefit, I'd argue that there's only so much the community should be
prepared to do to "fix" such commercial objections - if what a business
wants is valuable enough, that business should be prepared to pay for
> (why are you blaming you inability to use Linux installation tools on
> Python, btw? most basic Python libraries are only an apt-get away if
> you're using a sane Linux distribution.)
This is true enough, and by packaging one's programs correctly, Python
gets automatically brought into the picture when the user asks to
install those programs. It's interesting to consider this in the
context of the recent Linux Standard Base discussions on python-dev:
LSB potentially mitigates issues with shipping executables across
different distributions and would be beneficial to those wanting to
deploy Python applications in such a way. I notice, however, that the
discussion has taken the peanut gallery position of name-calling and
mock outrage at the packaging practices of various distributions [2],
presumably whilst advocating Python-only solutions like setuptools -
something which really isn't going to work well with any large
heterogeneous collection of software packages. Moreover, the
distributions have to more urgently deal with various issues not yet
sufficiently addressed by the Python core developers, particularly
architecture issues [3] and licensing issues [4].
Freezing applications has been a fairly well-understood process for the
last ten years, but more cooperation with heterogeneous packaging
technologies would be far preferable. After all, distributions are
actually responsible for a large amount of Python usage, and it would
be far better if people actually tried to work with them to resolve
some of the supposedly inflammatory aspects of their packaging
practices rather than just shouting bad things at them from a distance
[5]. A bit of "not invented here" [6] suppression would also be quite
welcome, along with taking the needs of vendors [7] other than Apple
Computer Inc. into account.
P.S. And while a frank discussion [7] did appear to result in a
comprehensive exchange of views between Debian and setuptools
developers, I'd like to see a bit more understanding for end-users and
people who don't want to ignore their system's package management.
Python "plays well with others" is a frequent claim, after all.
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