Splitting lines from a database query

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Dec 26 17:33:55 EST 2006

At Tuesday 26/12/2006 18:57, Peter Machell wrote:

>for x in bar:
>              fname = x[0]
>              if fname == "":
>                  fname == "None"
>              sname = x[1]
>              if sname == "":
>                  sname == "None"
>              print "<FNAME>"+fname+"</FNAME>"+"<SNAME>"+sname+"</SNAME>"
>Except that I should be using a list and loop to do the null checking,
>and it still stops when (I think) it hits a blank value:
>         TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

Perhaps this is what you intended to write:

              if fname == "":
                  fname = "None"

and since None != "", you have to test for it:

if fname is None or fname == "":
     fname = "None"

Note that doing this will deliberately write the text "None" whenever 
the field is empty, so you will never get <FNAME></FNAME>, instead: 
<FNAME>None</FNAME>. If you want to get the former, use: if fname is 
None: fname = ""

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 


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