merits of Lisp vs Python
Juan R.
juanrgonzaleza at
Tue Dec 12 03:36:44 EST 2006
Kay Schluehr ha escrito:
> Juan R. wrote:
> > Kay Schluehr ha escrito:
> > > Note also that a homogenous syntax is not that important when
> > > analyzing parse trees ( on the contrary, the more different structures
> > > the better ) but when synthesizing new ones by fitting different
> > > fragments of them together.
> >
> > Interesting, could you provide some illustration for this?
> My approach is strongly grammar based. You start with a grammar
> description of your language. This is really not much different from
> using Lex/Yacc except that it is situated and adapted to a pre-existing
> language ecosystem. I do not intend to start from scratch.
> Besides the rules that constitute your host language you might add:
> repeat_stmt ::= 'repeat' ':' suite 'until' ':' test
> The transformation target ( the "template" ) is
> while True:
> <suite>
> if <test>:
> break
> The structure of the rule is also the structure of its constituents in
> the parse tree. Since you match the repeat_stmt rule and its
> corresponding node in the parse tree you immediately get the <suite>
> node and the <test> node:
> class FiberTransformer(Transformer):
> @transform
> def repeat_stmt(self, node):
> _suite = find_node(node, symbol.suite)
> _ test = find_node(node, symbol.test, depth = 1)
> #
> # create the while_stmt here
> #
> return _while_stmt_node
> So analysis works just fine. But what about creating the transformation
> target? The problem with the template above is that it can't work
> precisely this way as a Python statement, because the rule for a while
> statement looks like this:
> while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite
> That's why the macro expander has to merge the <suite> node, passed
> into the template with the if_stmt of the template, into a new suite
> node.
> Now think about having created a while_stmt from your original
> repeat_stmt. You return the while_stmt and it has to be fitted into the
> original syntax tree in place of the repeat_stmt. This must be done
> carefully. Otherwise structure in the tree is desroyed or the node is
> inserted in a place where the compiler does not expect it.
> The framework has to do lots of work to ease the pain for the meta
> programmer.
> a) create the correct transformation target
> b) fit the target into the syntax tree
> Nothing depends here particularly on Python but is true for any
> language with a fixed grammar description. I've worked exclusively with
> LL(1) grammars but I see no reason why this general scheme shall not
> work with more powefull grammars and more complicated languages - Rubys
> for example.
> > > The next question concerns compositionality of language
> > > enhancements or composition of even completely independent language
> > > definitions and transformers both on source and on binary level. While
> > > this is not feasible in general without creating ambiguities, I believe
> > > this problem can be reduced to ambiguity detection in the underlying
> > > grammars.
> >
> > A bit ambiguous my reading. What is not feasible in general? Achieving
> > compositionality?
> Given two languages L1 = (G1,T1), L2 = (G2, T2 ) where G1, G2 are
> grammars and T1, T2 transformers that transform source written in L1 or
> L2 into some base language
> L0 = (G0, Id ). Can G1 and G2 be combined to create a new grammar G3
> s.t. the transformers T1 and T2 can be used also to transform L3 = (G3
> = G1(x)G2, T3 = T1(+)T2) ? In the general case G3 will be ambigous and
> the answer is NO.
You mean direct compositionality. Is there any formal proof that you
cannot find a (G2' , T2') unambiguously generating (G2, T2) and
combining with L1 or this is always possible?
This would not work for language enhancements but for composition of
completely independent languages.
> But it could also be YES in many relevant cases. So
> the question is whether it is necessary and sufficient to check whether
> the "crossing" between G1 and G2 is feasible i.e. doesn't produce
> ambiguities.
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