import datetime
Lee Harr
lee at
Wed Feb 1 16:41:35 EST 2006
>> I did look at the sys.path but the issue is that I dont see a module
>> name datetime anywhere. Only datetime thing that is there is in include
>> directory and it is datetime.h, which I think is for C interface. I
>> have a python installed on my Windows desktop and it is working fine
>> there. Where is the datetime module stored? Does any body know?
> on windows, it's linked to the interpreter.
>>>> import datetime
>>>> datetime
><module 'datetime' (built-in)>
>>>> import sys
>>>> "datetime" in sys.builtin_module_names
> True
> on other platforms, it may be linked to the interpreter or placed in
> a shared library:
>>>> import datetime
>>>> datetime
><module 'datetime' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/'>
So maybe there is just a problem with the way Python was
built. Is that from an "official" HP-UX package? You could
ask on an HP-UX list.
Alternatively, you could try compiling Python yourself.
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