Python advocacy in scientific computation
Peter Tillotson
none at no.chance
Fri Feb 17 05:49:56 EST 2006
Like it - an area that doesn't come out strongly enough for me is
Python's ability to drop down to and integrate with low level
algorithms. This allows me to to optimise the key bits of design in
python very quickly and then if I still need more poke i can drop down
to low level programming languages. Optimise design, not code unless I
really need to.
To be fair the same is at least partly true for Java ( though supporting
JNI code scares me ) but my prototyping productivity isn't as high.
The distributed / HPC packages may also be worth noting - PyMPI and
Michael Tobis wrote:
> Someone asked me to write a brief essay regarding the value-add
> proposition for Python in the Fortran community. Slightly modified to
> remove a few climatology-related specifics, here it is.
> I would welcome comments and corrections, and would be happy to
> contribute some version of this to the Python website if it is of
> interest.
> ===
> The established use of Fortran in continuum models such as climate
> models has some benefits, including very high performance and
> flexibility in dealing with regular arrays, backward compatibility with
> the existing code base, and the familiarity with the language among the
> modeling community. Fortran 90 and later versions have taken many of
> the lessons of object oriented programming and adapted them so that
> logical separation of modules is supported, allowing for more effective
> development of large systems. However, there are many purposes to which
> Fortran is ill-suited which are increasingly part of the modeling
> environment.
> These include: source and version control and audit trails for runs,
> build system management, test specification, deployment testing (across
> multiple platforms), post-processing analysis, run-time and
> asynchronous visualization, distributed control and ensemble
> management. To achieve these goals, a combination of shell scripts,
> specialized build tools, specialized applications written in several
> object-oriented languages, and various web and network deployment
> strategies have been deployed in an ad hoc manner. Not only has much
> duplication of effort occurred, a great deal of struggling up the
> learning curves of various technologies has been required as one need
> or another has been addressed in various ad hoc ways.
> A new need arises as the ambitions of physical modeling increase; this
> is the rapid prototyping and testing of new model components. As the
> number of possible configurations of a model increases, the expense and
> difficulty of both unit testing and integration testing becomes more
> demanding.
> Fortunately, there is Python. Python is a very flexible language that
> has captured the enthusiasm of commercial and scientific programmers
> alike. The perception of Python programmers coming from almost any
> other language is that they are suddenly dramatically several times
> more productive than previously, in terms of functionality delivered
> per unit of programmer time.
> One slogan of the Python community is that the language "fits your
> brain". Why this might be the case is an interesting question. There
> are no startling computer science breakthroughs original to the
> language, Rather, Python afficionados will claim that the language
> combines the best features of such various languages as Lisp, Perl,
> Java, and Matlab. Eschewing allegiance to a specific theory of how to
> program, Python's design instead offers the best practices from many
> other software cultures.
> The synergies among these programming modes is in some ways harder to
> explain than to experience. The Python novice may nevertheless observe
> that a single language can take the place of shell scripts, makefiles,
> desktop computation environments, compiled languages to build GUIs, and
> scripting languages to build web interfaces. In addition, Python is
> useful as a wrapper for Fortran modules, facilitating the
> implementation of true test-driven design processes in Fortran models.
> Another Python advocacy slogan is "batteries included". The point here
> is that (in part because Python is dramatically easier to write than
> other languages) there is a very broad range of very powerful standard
> libraries that make many tasks which are difficult in other languages
> astonishingly easy in Python. For instance, drawing upon the standard
> libraries (no additional download required) a portable webserver
> (runnable on both Microsoft and Unix-based platforms) can be
> implemented in seven lines of code. (See
> ) Installation of
> pure python packages is also very easy, and installation of mixed
> language products with a Python component is generally not
> significantly harder than a comparable product with no Python
> component.
> Among the Python components and Python bindings of special interest to
> scientists are the elegant and powerful matplotlib plotting package,
> which began by emulating and now surpasses the plotting features of
> Matlab, SWIG, which allows for runtime interoperability with various
> languages, f2py which specifically interoperates with Fortran, NetCDF
> libraries (which cope with NetCDF files with dramatically less fuss
> than the standard C or Fortran bindings), statistics packages including
> bindings to the R language, linear algebra packages, various
> platform-specific and portable GUI libraries, genetic algorithms,
> optimization libraries, and bindings for high performance differential
> equation solvers (notably, using the Argonne National Laboratory
> package PetSC). An especially interesting Python trick for runtime
> visualization in models that were not designed to support it, pioneered
> by David Beazley's SWILL, embeds a web server in your model code.
> See especially and
> as good starting points to learn about scientific uses
> of Python.
> mt
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