MySQLdb slow on MySQL 5

Jarek Zgoda jzgoda at
Fri Feb 24 14:49:28 EST 2006

Magnus Lycka napisaƂ(a):

> For those who don't know, Oracle bought a small Finnish
> company which developed the transaction-aware table-
> backend for MySQL. As far as I understand, this means
> nothing for GPL licensed MySQL installations, but if
> MySQL sells commercial MySQL-database with transaction
> support, I guess they need to share their incomes with
> Oracle now, and I suppose Oracle is completely in charge
> of future development and price setting for InnoDB. Of
> course, MySQL has support for swapping table backends,
> and the logical next step might be to use the major open
> source transactional low level database Berkeley DB,
> which is also dual licensed, and developed by SleepyCat.
> Unfortuantely, Oracle just bought them... I'm sure there
> are other ways out though. MySQL owns MaxDB, which was
> previously SAP DB, a derivate ot the German Adabas D.
> I'm not sure how easy it is to rip out the table back-
> end of that though. I guess it's not built to be a
> separate component.

They just hired Jim Starkey. Perhaps MySQL AB hopes he will write a
transactional engine for MySQL, as he previously wrote one for Interbase
(which is known to be one of the best a man could imagine).

Anyway, we got far off topic, so we better go somewhere else.

Jarek Zgoda

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