converting binary data

piotr maliƄski riklaunim at
Mon Feb 27 14:17:21 EST 2006

I have a game file described here: and I'm trying to read
all the data:
plik = open('bow08.itm', 'rb')
        tekst =

# char array - works
print tekst[0x0004:0x0004+4]
# resref - works
print tekst[0x003a:0x003a+8]

#dword - binary something, doesn't work
print tekst[0x004c:0x004c+4]
The dword and many other variables are binary code and I don't know how to
convert them into "normal" data. NearInfinity, app written in Java converts
dword and friends in this way:
public static int convertInt(byte buffer[], int offset)
    int value = 0;
    for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
      value = (value << 8) | (buffer[offset + i] & 0xFF);
    return value;
How to pythonize this code, or make something in python to read the data
from Baldurs Gate files ? :)
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