Number Format function
Edward Hartfield
ehartfield at
Wed Feb 8 15:33:17 EST 2006
Thanks. I noticed the bugs later. But after talking with my boss, he
suggested something more elegant (again *untested*, yet):
import locale
def number_format(num, places=0)
"""Format a number according to locality and given places"""
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale.getdefaultlocale()[0])
return locale.format("%.*f", (places, num), 1)
wittempj at wrote:
> Your code has a little bug, I highly recommend to add a test to your
> code, for an idea see below - I fixed your code as well.
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import math
> def number_format(num, places=0):
> """Format a number with grouped thousands and given decimal
> places"""
> #is_negative = (num < 0)
> #if is_negative:
> # num = -num
> places = max(0,places)
> tmp = "%.*f" % (places, num)
> point = tmp.find(".")
> integer = (point == -1) and tmp or tmp[:point]
> decimal = (point != -1) and tmp[point:] or ""
> count = commas = 0
> formatted = []
> for i in range(len(integer) - 1, 0, -1):
> count += 1
> formatted.append(integer[i])
> if count % 3 == 0:
> formatted.append(",")
> formatted.append(integer[0]) # this misses in your part
> integer = "".join(formatted[::-1])
> return integer+decimal
> #
> # add something like this: it helps to prevent you break your code
> #
> import unittest
> class test_number_format(unittest.TestCase):
> def test(self):
> self.assertEqual(number_format(1000000, 2), '1,000,000.00')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(100000, 2), '100,000.00')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(100, 2), '100.00')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(1000000.33, 2), '1,000,000.33')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(1000000.333, 2), '1,000,000.33')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(1000000.3, 2), '1,000,000.30')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(123456, 2), '123,456.00')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(12345, 2), '12,345.00')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(123, 2), '123.00')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(123456.33, 2), '123,456.33')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(12345.333, 2), '12,345.33')
> self.assertEqual(number_format(123.3, 2), '123.30')
> suite = unittest.makeSuite(test_number_format)
> unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
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