breaking from loop

Ritesh Raj Sarraf riteshsarraf at
Fri Feb 10 09:01:44 EST 2006

Thanks to everyone. It is really the best place and the best people to
learn from.
Here's what I followed from the discussion:

def files(root):
    for path, folders, files in os.walk(root):
        for file in files:
            yield path, file

def copy_first_match(repository, filename, dest_dir): # aka
    for path, file in files(repository):
        if file == filename:
                shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, file), dest_dir)
                sys.stdout.write("%s copied from local cache %s." %
(file, repository))
            except shutil.Error:
                sys.stdout.write("%s is available in %s. Skipping
Copy!" % (file, dest_dir))
            return True
    return False

All I've added is the exception check because in case "file" is
available in "dest_dir", I want to display a message.
Since I'm still new and learning will be great if you let me know if
this is the proper way or not.

Thanks to everyone once again. It's been a very good experience
understanding everyone's comments.


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