Regular expression fun. Repeated matching of a group Q

Larry Bates larry.bates at
Fri Feb 24 18:49:48 EST 2006

matteosartori at wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've spent all morning trying to work this one out:
> I've got the following string:
> <td>04/01/2006</td><td>Wednesday</td><td> </td><td>09:14</td><td>12:44</td><td>12:50</td><td>17:58</td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td>08:14</td>
> from which I'm attempting to extract the date, and the five times from
> into a list. Only the very last time is guaranteed to be there so it
> should also work for a line like:
> <td>03/01/2006</td><td>Tuesday</td><td>Annual_Holiday</td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td>08:00</td>
> My Python regular expression to match that is currently:
> digs = re.compile(
> r'<td>(\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4})</td>.*?(?:<td>(\d+\:\d+)</td>).*$' )
> which first extracts the date into group 1
> then matches the tags between the date and the first instance of a time
> into group 2
> then matches the first instance of a time into group 3
> but then group 4 grabs all the remaining string.
> I've tried changing the time pattern into
> (?:<td>(\d+\:\d+)</td>)+
>  but that doesn't seem to mean "grab one or more cases of the previous
> regexp."
> Any Python regexp gurus with a hint would be greatly appreciated.
> M@
This works:

import BeautifulSoup

test = '<td>04/01/2006</td>' \
       '<td>Wednesday</td>'  \
       '<td> </td>'     \
       '<td>09:14</td>'      \
       '<td>12:44</td>'      \
       '<td>12:50</td>'      \
       '<td>17:58</td>'      \
       '<td> </td>'     \
       '<td> </td>'     \
       '<td> </td>'     \
       '<td> </td>'     \

for i in c.childGenerator():
    if i.contents[0] == " ": continue


print "date=", date
print "day=", day
print "times=", times

-Larry Bates

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