How do I dynamically create functions without lambda?
Paul Rubin
Thu Feb 2 23:57:13 EST 2006
aleaxit at (Alex Martelli) writes:
> Now Lisp (or Haskell, etc) I could easily see. But why should Python
> tend to correlate with "high skill", when, as you point out, it's in
> fact _simpler_?! My current working hypothesis: Python has never been
> marketed and hyped the way Java and C# &c have; somebody who CHOOSES
> Python shows some ability to think for themselves, rather than following
> the herd, and such ability correlated with programming skill.
Python also has a type of beauty to it (despite warts here and there),
so someone who chooses it probably has better attunement to
well-designed software than someone who chooses an uglier but equally
obscure language. That attunement would correlate with skill.
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