functional 0.5 released

bonono at bonono at
Sun Feb 12 01:27:30 EST 2006

Collin Winter wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2006 19:57:48 -0800, bonono at <bonono at> wrote:
> >
> > Collin Winter wrote:
> > > As always, feedback welcome!
> >
> > Any specific reason flip only flip the first 2 arguments rather than
> > the whole tuple ?
> >
> > That is, I would like to see:
> >
> > assert(f(a,b,c, d) == flip(f)(d, c, b, a))
> Because that's what I'm used to from Haskell and other functional
> languages : ) I'll see what I can do about having it flip all
> arguments in the next release.
Thanks for looking into it.

BTW, I do a quick test on the C version(supposed to be faster) and
found something interesting:

Your partial implementation is slower than new.instancemethod(func,
arg, object), may be you would like to have some micro optimization to
use that instead for the special case(and I believe over 70% of the
case) of :

partial(func, arg)

Another thing I am wondering is if a compose_m(which means
f(*g(*arg,**kw)) ) is desirable as that would give me a choice if I
want to expand the result of g(if it is a tuple) to multi-argument
rather than single tuple. This is not a problem in Haskell which is
fully curried but python in general is not. Another option may be a
helper function like unpack in lua. So I can do compose(compose(f,
unpack), g) which means f(unpack(g(*arg,**kw))).

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