Alan Kennedy alanmk at
Thu Feb 16 04:26:10 EST 2006

[mitsura at]
> is it possible to use SAX to parse XML that is not in a file but in a
> large string?
> If I open my XML file and read the content into a string variable. Is
> there a way I can pass it to the PyXML Sax handler?
> The reason I want to know is that I need to parse XML that is generated
> by a process on a Unix system. I can connect to the process via a
> socket and the the XML but I need to store the XML somewhere before I
> can parse it.
> I could dump it to a file first and then hand it to the parser but that
> seems unefficient.
> Maybe I could read the XML from the socket directly into the parser.

You can find exactly what you need in this old thread about incremental
XML parsing.

Parsing XML streams

alan kennedy
email alan:    

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