Encryption application/NEED A HACKER TO TRY IT

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Wed Feb 15 11:15:48 EST 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> "atanas Cosmas Nkelame" <atanasy at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm putting here the 'encoded' text for someone to try to encipher the text
> > or tell me what is the chance that one can encipher the text.

[From an FAQ on the subject...]

>     "I just came up with this neat method of encryption. Here's some
>     ciphertext: FHDSIJOYW^&%$*#@OGBUJHKFSYUIRE. Is it strong?'' Without a
>     doubt questions like this are the most annoying traffic on sci.crypt.


>     There are some
>     systematic and unsystematic ways to take reasonably long ciphertexts
>     and decrypt them even without prior knowledge of the algorithm, but
>     this is a time-consuming and possibly fruitless exercise which most
>     sci.crypt readers won't bother with.

And in any case, there are surely more interesting challenges of this
nature than some random person's "elite" cryptography skills:



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