That's really high-level: bits of beautiful python
rabkin at mweb[DOT]co[DOT]za
Tue Feb 21 14:05:53 EST 2006
I have a friend who has been programming in C for many years, and he is
a great fan of the language. However, he (and I) are about to start a
python course, and he has been asking me a lot of questions. He often
responds to my answers with "Urgh! Object-orientation!" and suchlike.
But today we were discussing the problem of running externally-provided
code (e.g. add-on modules). Neither of us knew how to do it in C, though
I suggested using DLLs. However, I quickly installed python on his
laptop and coded this:
exec "import %s as ext_mod" % raw_input("Module: ")
And created to sample modules with do() functions to demonstrate. He was
impressed ("That's really high-level" were his words).
I was just thinking perhaps we should create some kind of collection of
bits of "impressive" code like this.
He also liked 99 Bottles in one line:
print '\n'.join(["%d bottles of beer on the wall." % i for i in
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