New website ?

skip at skip at
Thu Jan 19 09:58:43 EST 2006

    >> I'm assured that in print ads the only "content" anyone reads is in
    >> picture captions, and you damn well better make sure your message is
    >> conveyed there. Any other "content" only wastes space. I see no
    >> reason to think that a web page should be designed using any other
    >> assumption.

    Roel> I don't agree. I read websites in search for information
    Roel> (content), not to find advertisements. If a site I want to visit
    Roel> looks too much like an advertisement, I handle it the same as I
    Roel> handle any other advertisement: throw it away.

Sure, but that's not what JW said.  He said that *when looking at ads* the
only bits of content people read are the captions of the pictures.  He said
nothing about what people read when they are reading non-advertising


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