test whether 2 objects are equal

Rene Pijlman reply.in.the.newsgroup at my.address.is.invalid
Tue Jan 31 05:44:22 EST 2006

Yves Glodt:
>I need to compare 2 instances of objects to see whether they are equal 
>or not, 

This prints "equal":

class Test(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.var1 = ''
	self.var2 = ''
    def __eq__(self,other):
	return self.var1 == other.var1 and self.var2 == other.var2

test1 = Test()
test1.var1 = 'a'
test1.var2 = 'b'

test2 = Test()
test2.var1 = 'a'
test2.var2 = 'b'

if test1 == test2:
	print "equal"
	print "not equal"

René Pijlman

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