Dominant color & PIL

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Tue Jan 24 08:44:07 EST 2006

Sebastjan Trepca wrote:

> I was wondering is it possible to find out which colour is dominant in an
> image using PIL?
> It would be very easy to create interesting mozaic images with that :)

some alternatives:

>>> i =

>>> i.quantize(1).convert("RGB").getpixel((0, 0))
(208, 205, 202)

>>> import ImageStat
>>> s = ImageStat.Stat(i)
>>> s.mean
[208.32295432458699, 204.56614188532555, 202.44663427275671]

>>> i.resize((1, 1), Image.ANTIALIAS).getpixel((0,0))
(212, 212, 210)

(quantize will only return colors that actually exist, the other two
uses different ways to calculate some kind of average color)


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