instance attributes not inherited?

Bengt Richter bokr at
Mon Jan 16 05:05:15 EST 2006

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 20:37:36 -0500, "John M. Gabriele" <john_sips_teaz at> wrote:

>David Hirschfield wrote:
>> Nothing's wrong with python's oop inheritance, you just need to know 
>> that the parent class' __init__ is not automatically called from a 
>> subclass' __init__. Just change your code to do that step, and you'll be 
>> fine:
>> class Parent( object ):
>>     def __init__( self ):
>>         self.x = 9
>> class Child( Parent ):
>>     def __init__( self ):
>>     super(Child,self).__init__()
Nit: Someone is posting with source using tabs ;-/ The above super should be indented from def.
>>        print "Inside Child.__init__()"
>> -David
>How does it help that Parent.__init__ gets called? That call simply
>would create a temporary Parent object, right? I don't see how it
Wrong ;-) Calling __init__ does not create the object, it operates on an
object that has already been created. There is nothing special about
a user-written __init__ method other than the name and that is is automatically
invoked under usual conditions. Child.__new__ is the method that creates the instance,
but since Child doesn't have that method, it gets it by inheritance from Parent, which
in turn doesn't have one, so it inherits it from its base class (object). 

>should help (even though it *does* indeed work).
>Why do we need to pass self along in that call to super()? Shouldn't
>the class name be enough for super() to find the right superclass object?
self is the instance that needs to appear as the argument of the __init__ call,
so it has to come from somewhere. Actually, it would make more sense to leave out
the class than to leave out self, since you can get the class from type(self) for
typical super usage (see custom simple_super at end below [1])

 >>> class Parent( object ):
 ...     def __init__( self ):
 ...         self.x = 9
 ...         print 'Inside Parent.__init__()'
 >>> class Child( Parent ):
 ...     def __init__( self ):
 ...         sup = super(Child,self)
 ...         sup.__init__()
 ...         self.sup = sup
 ...         print "Inside Child.__init__()"
 >>> c = Child()
 Inside Parent.__init__()
 Inside Child.__init__()
 >>> c.sup
 <super: <class 'Child'>, <Child object>>

sup is an object that will present an attribute namespace that it implements
by looking for attributes in the inheritance hierarchy of the instance argument (child)
but starting one step beyond the normal first place to look, which is the instance's class
that was passed to super. For a normal method such as __init__, it will form the bound method
when you evaluate the __init__ attribute of the super object:

 >>> c.sup.__init__
 <bound method Child.__init__ of <__main__.Child object at 0x02EF3AAC>>

a bound method has the first argument bound in, and when you call the bound method
without an argument, the underlying function gets called with the actual first argument (self).

 >>> c.sup.__init__()
 Inside Parent.__init__()

The method resolution order lists the base classes of a particular class in the order they
will be searched for a method. super skips the current class, since it is shadowing the rest.
The whole list:

 >>> type(c).mro()
 [<class '__main__.Child'>, <class '__main__.Parent'>, <type 'object'>]

Skipping to where super will start looking:
 >>> type(c).mro()[1]
 <class '__main__.Parent'>

If you get the __init__ attribute from the class, as opposed to as an
attribute of the instance, you get an UNbound method:

 >>> type(c).mro()[1].__init__
 <unbound method Parent.__init__>

which can be called with the instance as the first argument:

 >>> type(c).mro()[1].__init__(c)
 Inside Parent.__init__()

If you want to, you can access the actual function behind the unbound method:

 >>> type(c).mro()[1].__init__.im_func
 <function __init__ at 0x02EEADBC>

And form a bound method:

 >>> type(c).mro()[1].__init__.im_func.__get__(c, type(c))
 <bound method Child.__init__ of <__main__.Child object at 0x02EF3AAC>>

Which you can then call, just like we did sup.__init__ above:

 >>> type(c).mro()[1].__init__.im_func.__get__(c, type(c))()
 Inside Parent.__init__()

Another way to spell this is:

 >>> Parent.__init__.im_func
 <function __init__ at 0x02EEADBC>
 >>> Parent.__init__.im_func.__get__(c, type(c))
 <bound method Child.__init__ of <__main__.Child object at 0x02EF3AAC>>
 >>> Parent.__init__.im_func.__get__(c, type(c))()
 Inside Parent.__init__()

Or without forming the unbound method and using im_func to
get the function (looking instead for the __init__ function per se in the Parent class dict):

 >>> Parent.__dict__['__init__']
 <function __init__ at 0x02EEADBC>
 >>> Parent.__dict__['__init__'].__get__(c, type(c))
 <bound method Child.__init__ of <__main__.Child object at 0x02EF3AAC>>
 >>> Parent.__dict__['__init__'].__get__(c, type(c))()
 Inside Parent.__init__()

An attribute with a __get__ method (which any normal function has) is a
descriptor, and depending on various logic will have its __get__ method
called with the object whose attribute is apparently being accessed.
Much of python's magic is implemented via descriptors, so you may want
to read about it ;-)

[1] If we wanted to, we could write our own simple_super. E.g.,

 >>> class simple_super(object):
 ...     def __init__(self, inst): self.inst = inst
 ...     def __getattribute__(self, attr):
 ...         inst = object.__getattribute__(self, 'inst')
 ...         try: return getattr(type(inst).mro()[1], attr).im_func.__get__(
 ...                         inst, type(inst))
 ...         except AttributeError:
 ...             return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
 >>> class Parent( object ):
 ...     def __init__( self ):
 ...         self.x = 9
 ...         print 'Inside Parent.__init__()'
 >>> class Child( Parent ):
 ...     def __init__( self ):
 ...         sup = simple_super(self)
 ...         sup.__init__()
 ...         self.sup = sup
 ...         print "Inside Child.__init__()"
 >>> c = Child()
 Inside Parent.__init__()
 Inside Child.__init__()
 >>> c.sup
 <__main__.simple_super object at 0x02EF80EC>
 >>> c.sup.__init__
 <bound method Child.__init__ of <__main__.Child object at 0x02EF80CC>>
 >>> c.sup.__init__()
 Inside Parent.__init__()

I don't know if this helps ;-)

Bengt Richter

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