Extending & Embedding Python
Marco Meoni
meonimarco at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 09:36:05 EST 2006
Hi all! I've a problem with a C++ class that has to be included in a
python application. One way to do it is Extending and Embedding the
Python Interpreter
Now i have 2 questions
1) Is there a one-file version of this tutorial?
2) Is there anyone that can help me with this problem? The class is
Thanks all.
Attached files:
#include "Cipher/Cipher.h"
#define PAYLOAD_LENGHT 5000
//the our defined packe over the UDP datagram
struct packet {
int lenght; // sizeof(payload) = sizeof(int) + strlen(payload)
unsigned char payload[PAYLOAD_LENGHT]; // the xml string
} __attribute__ ((packed));
//! manage the send and receive of udp packet
/*! by default: send message non-cripted */
class PacketManager
struct packet packet_to_send;
Cipher * pc;
int s; //socket descriptor
virtual ~PacketManager();
///Network member function
bool send(char * IPdest , int port_to);
unsigned char * receive (char * IPdest, int timeout); //non-blocking
unsigned char * waitMessage(char * IPfrom); //blocking
///Packet Builder member function
bool build_Packet();
bool setCipher(Cipher * c);
Cipher * getCipher();
///Set and Get function on all attributes
bool set_Payload(unsigned char * c, int lenght);
unsigned char * get_Payload();
bool set_packet_lenght(unsigned int lenght);
unsigned int get_packet_lenght();
void set_Socket(int socket);
int get_Socket();
bool buildPacket();
void setSocket(int socket);
packet getPacket();
bool setPacket(unsigned char * c,int lenght);
void closeSocket();
#include "Cipher/Cipher.h"
#include "Cipher/NullCipher.h"
#include "PacketManager.h"
#include "messages.h"
#define PORT_FROM 40004
//! manage the send and receive of udp packet
/*! by default: send message non-cripted */
pc = new NullCipher();
s = create_UDP_socket(PORT_FROM);
close (s);
delete pc;
void PacketManager::setSocket(int socket)
s = socket;
bool PacketManager::buildPacket()
pc->encrypt(); //! ciphering
return true;
Cipher * PacketManager::getCipher()
return pc;
bool PacketManager::setCipher(Cipher * c)
return true;
//! send payload + header to IPdest at port_to
/*! send payload + header in an UDP packet
\param IPdest address to witch send the packet
\param port_to port to witch send the packet
bool PacketManager::send(char *IPdest,int port_to)
//unsigned char * message_to_send = new unsigned
char(packet_to_send.lenght * sizeof(unsigned char));
unsigned char message_to_send[5000];
memcpy (message_to_send, &(packet_to_send.lenght) ,
unsigned char * tmp_payload = message_to_send;
// memcpy (message_to_send + sizeof(int), packet_to_send.payload,
packet_to_send.lenght - sizeof(int)); //! mess =
//memcpy (message_to_send, &packet_to_send ,sizeof (struct
packet)); //! mess = [packet_to_send]
printf ("Sto per inviare: \nlenght = \t%d \nPayload = \t%s\n",
packet_to_send.lenght , packet_to_send.payload);
message_to(s,port_to,IPdest, message_to_send , packet_to_send.lenght
//delete message_to_send;
//return 0;
return true;
//! wait for a packet, non blocking, don't check for IP
/*! wait for a packet, non blocking, don't check for IP
* param IPdest should be the IP from witch receive files
* param timeout should be the seconds to wait until a message was
unsigned char * PacketManager::receive(char *IPdest, int timeout)
info risposta;
risposta = wait_message(s);
//!have to check if the message return from IPdest
return risposta.message;
//! wait for a packet from IPfrom, blocking
/*! wait for a packet from IPfrom, blocking, with check on IP
\param IPfrom the IP of the machine you want to wait for
unsigned char * PacketManager::waitMessage(char *IPfrom)
info mess_received;
bool b = false;
while (b == false )
mess_received = wait_message(s);
in_addr_t ip_manager; //!check if the message return from IPdest
ip_manager = inet_addr(IPfrom);
unsigned char * ip_man = new unsigned char(4);
ip_man = (unsigned char * ) &ip_manager;
if ( ip_man[0] == mess_received.ip[0] && \
ip_man[1] == mess_received.ip[1] && \
ip_man[2] == mess_received.ip[2] && \
ip_man[3] == mess_received.ip[3] \
b = true;
return mess_received.message;
bool PacketManager::setPacket(unsigned char * c,int lenght)
//strcpy ((char *) payload, (char *) c); //! with strcpy you
can't have \0 in middle of a payload, or it will be truncated
packet_to_send.lenght = lenght + sizeof (int);
return true;
packet PacketManager::getPacket()
return packet_to_send;
void PacketManager::closeSocket(){
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