how to find not the next sibling but the 2nd sibling or find sibling "a" OR sinbling "b"

homepricemaps at homepricemaps at
Thu Jan 19 14:44:42 EST 2006

ok i found something that works.  instead of using the def i did this:

for incident in row('div', {'class': 'food' or 'drink' }):

and it worked!

only thing is that i think i am messing up the logic and here is why

So when i run my script i get results, meaning it scrapes some stuff
but then i get errors and where i am told:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NullType' and 'str'

Is this because of the logic in my code?  i mean what i want the script
do is look for the <Tr> tag and then find the first div tag named food
drink, find its sibling named food, drink or dessert and then find the
button tag which is the following sibling and THEN scrape out the href.
it possible that after it finds that first div and looks for the next
sibling and then the next siblings href that it then tries to run the
process all over again starting with the 2nd div tag and being that it
find the another div tag after the 2nd div tag that it trips up?

know what i mean?

here is my code:

for row in bs('tr'):
    for incident in row('div', {'class': 'food' or 'drink'}):
       b = incident.findNextSibling('div', {'class': 'food' or 'drink'
       n = b.findNextSibling('a', {'class': 'btn'})
      link= n['href'] + "','"

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