Decoupling the version of the file from the name of the module.

Roy Smith roy at
Sat Jan 28 19:01:59 EST 2006

bobueland at wrote:
> Now suppose I have make a new version with __version__ = 1.1. What
> shall I call this file and (I don't want to overwrite the old file if I
> need to go back to it)?

Stop everything right now and get yourself some kind of version control 
system.  CVS ( is a 
popular one.  Subversion ( is a bit newer, 
and quickly gaining is popularity.  If some other system (Perforce, 
ClearCase, RCS, SCCS, etc) is already in use where you are, just use that.  
Many IDEs come with something built-in.  Which one you pick is a detail, 
but it's essential that you use something.

If you don't use some kind of version control system, you end up mired in 
thorny questions like the one you ask above.  Learning something like cvs 
may seem intimidating at first, but believe me, it's impossible to do any 
kind of serious software development without one.

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