Client side web programming

Pramod Subramanyan pramod.sub at
Thu Jan 12 12:08:41 EST 2006

Neil Hodgson wrote:
> Pramod Subramanyan wrote:
> > Using cookielib and urllib2, I've come up with a workable solution. Its
> > damn slow though - which is probably orkut's fault - deletes about
> > 10-15 scraps a minute - so to get through 14000 scraps its probably
> > gonna take around 23 hours.
>     It'll be interesting to see if it completes or whether orkut has a
> load limiter that stops you after a certain amount of traffic.
>     Neil

It seems like the programmers at orkut have screwed up, because I
didn't really have 14000 scraps, only around 1000. My requests timed
out about 5 times in that span, but its hard to say whether it was a
load limiter because orkut is somewhat unreliable anyway.

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