Using non-ascii symbols

Neil Hodgson nyamatongwe+thunder at
Fri Jan 27 17:29:20 EST 2006

    Having a bit of a play with some of my spam reduction code.


def isMostlyCyrillic(u):
     if type(u) != type(u""):
         u = unicode(u, "UTF-8")
     cnt = float(sum(0x400 <= ord(c) < 0x500 for c in u))
     return (cnt > 1) and ((cnt / len(u)) > 0.5)

Using more mathematical operators:

def isMostlyCyrillic(u):
     if type(u) ≠ type(u""):
         u ← unicode(u, "UTF-8")
     cnt ← float(∑(0x400 ≤ ord(c) < 0x500 ∀ c ∈ u))
     return (cnt > 1) ∧ ((cnt ÷ len(u)) > 0.5)

    The biggest win for me is "≠" with "←" also an improvement. I'm so 
used to "/" for division that "÷" now looks strange.


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