Loading a Python collection from an text-file
Ken Starks
ken at lampsacos.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 23 15:31:48 EST 2006
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
> within a python script, I like to create a collection which I fill with
> values from an external text-file (user editable).
> How is this accomplished the easiest way (if possible without the need
> of libraries which are not part of the standard distribution)?
> something like:
> text-file:
> {peter, 16},
> {anton, 21}
> -
> within code:
> users.load(text-file.txt)
> for user in users
> user.name
> user.age
> .
What I do for this kind of work is to use a gnumeric spreadsheet
which saves the data in a simple xml format. xml is much less
error-prone than plain text.
Google for, and study 'The gnumeric file format' by David Gilbert.
You need to know how to unzip the file, and how to write a SAX parser.
If you want to use a plain text format, keep it simple. I would
separate the two fields with tab (thus permit a comma within a field)
and allow 'comment' lines that start with a hash.
You don't need the braces, or the end-of-line comma you included.
# snip 'text-file.txt'
# name and age on one line separated by tab
Jonny 8
Mary 87
Moses 449
# end-snip 'text-file.txt'
import string
class user:
def __init__(self,name,age):
self.age=int(age) # or a float, or a time-interval, or date-of-birth
def show(self):
print "%s is aged %s" % (self.name, self.age)
if __name__=="__main__":
for L0 in Lines:
if not L1.startswith("#"):
# insert error handling/validation here
for user in users:
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