Help with XML-SAX program ... it's driving me nuts ...
mitsura at
mitsura at
Tue Jan 31 07:41:43 EST 2006
I need to read a simle XML file. For this I use the SAX parser. So far
so good.
The XML file consist out of number of "Service" object with each object
a set of attributes.
I read through the XML file and for each "<Service>" entry I create a
new service object.
When I am in the "<Service>" part of the XML file and I encounter
"<Attributes>" then I store these attributes into a Python dictionary.
At the end of the "</Service>" tag I create the actual object and pass
the attributes directory to it.
The strange thing is that for some reason, the attributes for all the
objects are being updated. I don't understand why this happens.
I included the code and a example of the XML file (kd.xml)
The output should be:
Obj: name2 attribs: {}
Obj: name attribs: {attrib1, val1, atttrib1.1, val1.1}
Obj: name1 attribs: {attrib2, val 2}
but it is:
Obj: name2 attribs: {}
Obj: name attribs: {}
Obj: name1 attribs: {}
It's driving me nuts. I have spend hours going through this very simple
code, but I can't find what's wrong.
Any help is really very much appreciated.
With kind regards,
XML File (kd.xml):
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<Value>val 2</Value>
import sys
import string
import images
import os
import cStringIO
import xml.sax
from wxPython.wx import *
from Main import opj
from xml.sax.handler import *
from xml.sax import make_parser
class ServiceObj:
def __init__(self,name):
# Serivce object properties = name
self.attributes = {}
class OpenSNXML(ContentHandler):
# Service Object Tags
inService = 0
inServiceAttribute = 0
inServiceName = 0
inAttributeName = 0
inAttributeValue = 0
objName = ""
objLabel = ""
attribs = {}
attribName = ""
attribValue = ""
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == "Service":
self.inService = 1
if self.inService == 1:
if name == "Attribute":
print "Attribute start"
self.inServiceAttribute = 1
if name == "Name" and ( self.inServiceAttribute == 0 ):
self.inServiceName = 1
if name == "Name" and (self.inServiceAttribute == 1):
self.inAttributeName = 1
if name == "Value" and (self.inServiceAttribute == 1):
self.inAttributeValue = 1
def characters(self, characters):
if self.inServiceName == 1:
self.objName = self.objName + characters
if self.inAttributeName == 1:
#print "Attribute Name: ", characters
self.attribName = self.attribName + characters
if self.inAttributeValue == 1:
#print "Attribute Value: ", characters
self.attribValue = self.attribValue + characters
def endElement(self, name):
mD = 1
if name == "Service":
self.inService = 0
# If the object already exists, update the existing object
if AllServiceObjectsFromXMLFile.has_key(self.objName):
#print "Object: ", self.objName, " already defined in exists in
obj = AllServiceObjectsFromXMLFile[self.objName]
obj = ServiceObj(self.objName)
obj.attributes = self.attribs
AllServiceObjectsFromXMLFile[self.objName] = obj
del obj
self.objName = ""
if name == "Attribute":
self.inServiceAttribute = 0
print "Attrib name: ", self.attribName
print "Attrib value: ", self.attribValue
self.attribs[self.attribName] = self.attribValue
self.attribName = ""
self.attribValue = ""
print "Attrib dir: ", self.attribs
print "Attribute stop"
if name == "Name":
self.inServiceName = 0
self.inAttributeName = 0
if name == "Value":
self.inAttributeValue = 0
# Main
AllServiceObjectsFromXMLFile = {}
GetAllObjectsFromXMLfilePS = xml.sax.make_parser()
GetAllObjectsFromXMLfileHD = OpenSNXML()
keys = AllServiceObjectsFromXMLFile.keys()
for key in keys:
obj = AllServiceObjectsFromXMLFile[key]
print "Obj: ",, "attribs: ", obj.attributes
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