
m.banaouas banaouas.medialog at
Wed Jan 11 09:52:23 EST 2006

tooper a écrit :
> On the client side :
>      from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy
>      server= SOAPProxy("")
>      print server.Hello("world")
> On the server side :
>      from SOAPpy import SOAPServer
>      def Hello(name):
> 	return "Hello "+name+" !"
>      server= SOAPServer(("localhost",8080))
>      server.registerFunction(Hello)
>      server.serve_forever()
look at, Mark Pilgrim
there is a Python book including interesting chapter about SOAP.

While talking about SOAPpy module, I'm facing an authentication problem 
with it:

I'm consuming a WebServices server requiring authentication, and I did 
not found yet how to give authentication code (username:password) while 
calling any mehode of the webservice.

I did a temp trick around while waiting the *right* solution...

When authentication is not required , it works very well, and the 
automatic introspection is transparently handled by simple or imbriqued 
python types (sequences, etc. ...)

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