String question - find all possible versions of a person's firstname
bonono at
bonono at
Wed Jan 11 07:29:33 EST 2006
Nico Grubert wrote:
> > This sounds like a homework problem. You might try splitting the name
> > at the e's, check the length of the resulting list and do that many
> > nested loops.
> This was my idea too but I am wondering if there are any scripts for
> tasks like this.
> Nico
def combine_lol(seq): return reduce(lambda x,y: (a+(b,) for a in x for
b in y), seq, [()])
def shuffle(seq, elem):
"hello","eo" -> helle,hello,hollo,hollo
idx = [i for (i,c) in enumerate(seq) if c in elem]
l = 2**len(idx)
com = combine_lol([elem]*len(idx))
pos = ( zip(*x) for x in izip([idx]*l, com) )
def replace(s, ki):
for i,e in ki: s[i] = e
return s
r = imap(replace, (list(seq) for x in xrange(l)), pos)
if isinstance(seq,basestring): return ( ''.join(x) for x in r)
else: return r
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