How can I determine an HTTPMessage ?

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Jan 11 22:15:27 EST 2006

Paul Boddie wrote:
> Peter Hansen wrote:
>>Kevin wrote:
>>>Can you tell me what to look for in an HTTPMessage that is an error?  I
>>>have looked at the header objects and I cannot determine an error
>>I think you're missing most of the context and detail that would help us
>>provide a useful answer for you.
> Here's some of your own medicine. ;-)
> A Google search for "HTTPMessage Python" produced a link to the

A reasonable search to do, but one which might well have resulted in 
lots of work that was completely off base.  It seemed quite possible to 
me that the OP, clearly not experienced in this area, was simply 
referring to an "HTTP message", and I try not to spend lots of time on 
potentially wild goose chases when a simple request for more info could 
produce the certainty needed to avoid lots of guessing.  (Plus, arrogant 
though it might be, I feel that being direct and public about the need 
for proper background info, true replicas of error tracebacks, platform 
info, etc, may actually help reduce the recent apparent surge in folks 
who seem to be new to support forums and the etiquette thereof.  I know, 
it's probably a lost cause, but I'm still an idealist.)

It will be interesting to see how accurately you've guessed at what the 
OP needed.  My hat's off to you in advance if you hit the nail on the 


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