Read from Serial Port

Peter Hansen peter at
Sat Jan 21 10:04:28 EST 2006

Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2006-01-21, Casey Bralla <Nobody at> wrote:
>>I'd like to use only standard "built-in" modules if possible.
> Then there aren't going to be any "basic level docs" because
> it's just not an easy thing to do.  You pretty much have to do
> exactly what you would do in C. 

> For Win32, you'll have to do all of the nasty Win32
> CreateFile() calls and such-like. IMO, 

And given that win32all is *not* standard and built-in, at least with 
the standard distribution, you can't do Win32 at all if you insist on 
builtin modules.

But doing so would be unreasonable, and fortunately the OP indicates 
that that's just his desire, not a firm requirement, so pyserial it is! :-)


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