language design question
guthrie at
Sun Jul 9 23:58:26 EDT 2006
Steven Bethard wrote:
> Gregory Guthrie wrote:
>> For example,
>> - why is len() not a member function of strings? Instead one says
>> len(w).
> Why would ``x.len()`` be any more convenient than ``len(x)``? Your
> preference here seems pretty arbitrary.
-- Perhaps;
but having all standard operations as a method seems more regular (to
me), and allows a simple chained operation format of a series of method
calls, instead of alternating prefix function calls, and post-fix method
invocations; e.g.
seems cleaner and simpler than the usage below, where the pre/post
alternation is visually more complex.
I think the mix of OO like methods, and global functions, is not ideal.
>> - Why doesn't sort() return a value?
>> This would allow things like:
>> key = '',join( list(word.lower().strip()).sort() )
> Use sorted():
> key = ','.join(sorted(word.lower().strip()))
-- Thanks!
(Is the comma in ',' just a typo?)
>> - Another feature I assumed but it failed, is a nice default for
>> dictionaries, and more += like operations;
>> For example: to acculumate words in a dictionary -
>> dict[key] += [word]
> Get Python 2.5 and use collections.defaultdict:
-- Great, thanks.
> Python 2.5a2 (trunk:46491M, May 27 2006, 14:43:55) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
> (Intel)] on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import collections
> >>> d = collections.defaultdict(int)
> >>> d['a'] += 5
> >>> d['b'] += 2
> >>> d
> defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'a': 5, 'b': 2})
> STeVe
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