Dispatch with multiple inheritance
Michael J. Fromberger
Michael.J.Fromberger at Clothing.Dartmouth.EDU
Wed Jul 19 14:59:06 EDT 2006
In article <1153284730.469989.18360 at s13g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
"Michele Simionato" <michele.simionato at gmail.com> wrote:
> Michael J. Fromberger ha scritto:
> > Consider the following class hierarchy in Python:
> > <snip>
> > Is there a better (i.e., more elegant) way to handle the case marked
> > (**) above?
> >
> > Curious,
> > -M
> >
> > --
> > Michael J. Fromberger | Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science
> > http://www.dartmouth.edu/~sting/ | Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA
> Look at
> http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro
Hi, Michele,
I understand what Python's method resolution order is, and how it is
constructed. Is there something else in that article, that you hoped
would address my original concern? In particular, I am not asking WHY
super(A, self).__init()__ yields the next method in order -- that is
quite clear. Rather, I want to know if there is a better way to invoke
the ancestry of class E from D, than to explicitly denote the ancestry
of C in the code. The latter is an ugly violation of abstraction, and
renders the class hierarchy brittle.
Of course, I could just bypass super, and explicitly invoke them as:
C.__init__(self, ...)
D.__init__(self, ...)
... but that seems to me to defeat the purpose of having super in the
first place.
It seems as if perhaps there is no better solution at present. That is
a pity, albeit a mild one. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Michael J. Fromberger | Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science
http://www.dartmouth.edu/~sting/ | Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA
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