Possible error in 'dive into Python' book, help!
Ben Edwards (lists)
lists at videonetwork.org
Fri Jul 28 09:27:29 EDT 2006
I have been going through Dive into Python which up to now has been
excellent. I am now working through Chapter 9, XML Processing. I am 9
pages in (p182) in the 'Parsing XML section. The following code is
supposed to return the whole XML document (I have put ti at the end of
this email):
from xml.dom import minidom
xmldoc =
grammerNode = xmldoc.firstChild
print grammerNode.toxml()
But it only returns:
<!DOCTYPE grammar
PUBLIC '-//diveintopython.org//DTD Kant Generator Pro v1.0//EN'
The next line is then
And it returns an empty tuples;(
Kind of stuck here as I don't really want to continue. Has anyone any
idea what is going on?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE grammar PUBLIC "-//diveintopython.org//DTD Kant Generator Pro
v1.0//EN" "kgp.dtd">
<ref id="bit">
<ref id="byte">
<p><xref id="bit"/><xref id="bit"/><xref id="bit"/><xref
id="bit"/><xref id="bit"/><xref id="bit"/><xref id="bit"/><xref
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