How to specify default directory for saving files in IDLE

BartlebyScrivener rpdooling at
Tue Jul 4 17:19:22 EDT 2006

JohnJohn wrote>

> Is there a way that I can have python always bring up the Save As
> dialog pointing to the directory of my choice?  In other words, I
> would like to specify what I want the default directory for saving
> files to be.

I use PythonWin, not IDLE. But I suspect you could use the same trick.
Create a shortcut on your desktop for starting IDLE. (find or
idle.bat, right click, send shortcut to desktop).

Now go to the desktop, right click on the idle shortcut, and fill in
the slot that says "Start In" with the directory where you save your
Python scripts. 

Hope that helps.


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