What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language
Pascal Costanza
pc at p-cos.net
Fri Jun 16 05:59:25 EDT 2006
Torben Ægidius Mogensen wrote:
> Pascal Costanza <pc at p-cos.net> writes:
>> Torben Ægidius Mogensen wrote:
>>> On a similar note, is a statically typed langauge more or less
>>> expressive than a dynamically typed language? Some would say less, as
>>> you can write programs in a dynamically typed language that you can't
>>> compile in a statically typed language (without a lot of encoding),
>>> whereas the converse isn't true.
>> It's important to get the levels right here: A programming language
>> with a rich static type system is more expressive at the type level,
>> but less expressive at the base level (for some useful notion of
>> expressiveness ;).
>>> However, I think this is misleading,
>>> as it ignores the feedback issue: It takes longer for the average
>>> programmer to get the program working in the dynamically typed
>>> language.
>> This doesn't seem to capture what I hear from Haskell programmers who
>> say that it typically takes quite a while to convince the Haskell
>> compiler to accept their programs. (They perceive this to be
>> worthwhile because of some benefits wrt correctness they claim to get
>> in return.)
> That's the point: Bugs that in dynamically typed languages would
> require testing to find are found by the compiler in a statically
> typed language.
Yes. However, unfortunately statically typed languages also reject
programs that don't have such bugs. It's a tradeoff whether you want to
spend time to deal with them or not.
> So whil eit may take onger to get a program thatgets
> past the compiler, it takes less time to get a program that works.
That's incorrect. See http://haskell.org/papers/NSWC/jfp.ps - especially
Figure 3.
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