Very newbie programming
Maric Michaud
maric at
Sat Jun 10 13:23:29 EDT 2006
Le Samedi 10 Juin 2006 17:44, TheSaint a écrit :
> Hello!
> Is there a more pythonic way to implement the following program:
I'll try to make some suggestions.
> 8<--------------8<--------------8<--------------8<--------------
> #! /usr/bin/env python
> import os
> import sys
> a = os.listdir('/media')
begin using more explicit variable names.
medias = os.listdir('/media')
> # no mount dirs were found, exit nicely
> if len(a) == 0:
> sys.exit(0)
if not medias : sys.exit(0)
and I generally avoid creating names I use only once, so :
if not os.listdir('/media') :
> # Maybe collecting the arguments via command line
> # will make the program more flexible
> mnt = open("/etc/mtab")
> ptn = open("/proc/partitions")
> dskt = '/home/user/Desktop/'
> c =[]
> # Filling the c with the list of devices which are recorded to be mounted
> d = filter((lambda a: a[:2] =='/d'),mnt.readlines()) # non /dev-mounts are
> off
> d = map((lambda a: a.split()[:1]),d) # only the first info column is used
> [c.append(str(a)[2:-2]) for a in d]
> # checking against /proc/partitions to see if there're mountpoints without
> # corresponding partition which has been removed from the list
> # ALL mountpoints with available partition will be removed from the list
There more expressive or more direct ways of doing all these, I like one
liners (but a two steps can be more clear) :
devices = [ e.split()[0] for e in open("/etc/mtab") if e.startswith('/d') ]
> x = ptn.readlines()
> for a in x[2:]:
> b = a.split()[-1]
> for d in c:
> if b == d.rsplit('/',1)[-1]:
> c.remove(d)
this time we cut in two steps but this also just filtering.
partitions = [ e.split()[-1] for e in open("/proc/partitions").readlines()
[2:] ]
devices = [ e for e in devices if e.split('/')[-1] in partitions ]
> if len(c) != 1:
> sys.exit(0) # if none or more than one match exit
> cmnd = str(c)[2:-2]
> err = os.system('umount ' + cmnd)
why ?
os.system('umount "%s"' % devices[0])
> a = os.listdir(dskt)
> #retrieve the info from the KDE desktop icons
> for i in a:
> if 'desktop' not in i: continue
> y = open(dskt + i)
> d = y.readlines()
> for x in d:
> if 'URL=/media' not in x: continue
> icon = i
> dvc = x[11:-1]
> break
this will do exactly the same
for icon_file in (open(dskt + e) for e in os.listdir(dskt) if '.desktop' in
e) :
for line in icon_file :
if 'URL=/media' in line :
icon =
dvc = line[11:-1]
Maric Michaud
Aristote -
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097
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