Registry of Methods via Decorators
Duncan Booth
duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Thu Jun 22 11:02:18 EDT 2006
Stephan Diehl wrote:
> replace '@collect_methods' with '@decorated.collect_methods'
> and this will do what you want.
That is unlikely as it will keep a single list of methods for all classes
derived from decorated: calling decorated.collect_methods will pass
decorated as the cls parameter. What the OP wants it a separate list for
each subclass.
The way to do that of course is as others have suggested, just stick an
attribute on each decorated function and then collect_methods goes through
the class dict when it is called and picks out the correct methods. It
could even build a list cached on the class at that time if it needs to
(although the speedup is unlikely to be significant over just iterating
through all the methods picking out the marked ones).
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