urllib2 and HTTP 302

John J. Lee jjl at pobox.com
Thu Jun 1 18:08:25 EDT 2006

Laszlo Nagy <gandalf at designaproduct.biz> writes:
> how can I return the redirection URL?
> I tried to get this information from the exception but I could not. Is 
> it possible to read it from the openerdirector?
> Any suggestions?
>             try:
>                self.post_multipart(
>                     url,
>                     [('uploadType','Inventory')],
>                     [('uploadFileName','inv.txt',fdata)]
>                 )
>             except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
>                 if e.code == 302:
>                     return "I would like to get the URL to be redirected 
> to...."
>                 else:
>                     raise                        

redirected_url = e.geturl()


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