What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language
Matthias Blume
find at my.address.elsewhere
Wed Jun 21 09:39:57 EDT 2006
"Rob Thorpe" <robert.thorpe at antenova.com> writes:
> Matthias Blume wrote:
>> "Rob Thorpe" <robert.thorpe at antenova.com> writes:
>> > I think we're discussing this at cross-purposes. In a language like C
>> > or another statically typed language there is no information passed
>> > with values indicating their type.
>> You seem to be confusing "does not have a type" with "no type
>> information is passed at runtime".
>> > Have a look in a C compiler if you don't believe me.
>> Believe me, I have.
> In a C compiler the compiler has no idea what the values are in the
> program.
It is no different from any other compiler, really. If the compiler
sees the literal 1 in a context that demands type int, then it knows
perfectly well what value that is.
> It knows only their type in that it knows the type of the variable they
> are contained within.
> Would you agree with that?
>> > No it doesn't. Casting reinterprets a value of one type as a value of
>> > another type.
>> > There is a difference. If I cast an unsigned integer 2000000000 to a
>> > signed integer in C on the machine I'm using then the result I will get
>> > will not make any sense.
>> Which result are you getting? What does it mean to "make sense"?
> Well the right one actually, bad example.
> But, if I cast an unsigned int 2500000000 to signed I get -1794967296.
So, why do you think this "does not make sense"? And, as this example
illustrates, casting in C maps values to values. Depending on the
types of the source and the target, a cast might change the underlying
representation, or it might leave it the same. But it does produce a
value, and the result value is usually not the same as the argument
value, even if the representation is the same.
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