What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language
Darren New
dnew at san.rr.com
Wed Jun 21 11:42:05 EDT 2006
Chris Uppal wrote:
> doesn't fit with my intuitions very well -- most noticeably in that the sets
> are generally unbounded
Errr, not in Ada. Indeed, not in any machine I know of with a limited
address space.
Andreas Rossberg wrote:
> Indeed, this view is much too narrow. In particular, it cannot explain
> abstract types, which is *the* central aspect of decent type systems.
Well, it's Ada's view. I didn't say it was right for theoretical
languages or anything like that. As far as I know, LOTOS is the only
language that *actually* uses abstract data types - you have to use the
equivalent of #include to bring in the integers, for example. Everything
else uses informal rules to say how types work.
But Ada's definition gives you a very nice way of talking about things
like whether integers that overflow are the same type as integers that
don't overflow, or whether an assignment of an integer to a positive is
legal, or adding a CountOfApples to a CountOfOranges is legal, or
whether passing a "Dog" object to an "Animal" function parameter makes
sense in a particular context.
Indeed, the ability to declare a new type that has the exact same
underlying representation and isomorphically identical operations but
not be the same type is something I find myself often missing in
languages. It's nice to be able to say "this integer represents vertical
pixel count, and that represents horizontal pixel count, and you don't
get to add them together."
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
My Bath Fu is strong, as I have
studied under the Showerin' Monks.
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