'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
huwjeffries at gmail.com
huwjeffries at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 11:50:19 EDT 2006
Hi There,
I've installed python2.4-dev on Unbuntu linux. When I run it, it gives
an error:
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
(Get the same result if I uninstall it and install regular python2.4).
Using -v traceback gives:
'import site' failed; traceback:
ImportError: No module named site
Python is installed in:
File listing of /usr/lib/python2.4:
aifc.py htmlentitydefs.py rlcompleter.py
anydbm.py htmllib.py robotparser.py
asynchat.py HTMLParser.py sched.py
asyncore.py httplib.py sets.py
atexit.py ihooks.py sgmllib.py
audiodev.py imaplib.py shelve.py
base64.py imghdr.py shlex.py
BaseHTTPServer.py imputil.py shutil.py
Bastion.py keyword.py SimpleHTTPServer.py
bdb.py lib-dynload SimpleXMLRPCServer.py
binhex.py lib-old site-packages
bisect.py LICENSE.txt smtpd.py
bsddb locale.py smtplib.py
calendar.py logging sndhdr.py
CGIHTTPServer.py _LWPCookieJar.py SocketServer.py
cgi.py macpath.py statcache.py
cgitb.py macurl2path.py statvfs.py
chunk.py mailbox.py stringold.py
cmd.py mailcap.py stringprep.py
codecs.py markupbase.py _strptime.py
codeop.py mhlib.py sunaudio.py
code.py mimetools.py sunau.py
colorsys.py mimetypes.py symbol.py
commands.py MimeWriter.py symtable.py
compiler mimify.py tabnanny.py
config modulefinder.py tarfile.py
cookielib.py _MozillaCookieJar.py telnetlib.py
Cookie.py multifile.py test
csv.py mutex.py this.py
curses netrc.py _threading_local.py
dbhash.py new.py threading.py
decimal.py nntplib.py timeit.py
difflib.py ntpath.py toaiff.py
dircache.py nturl2path.py trace.py
distutils os2emxpath.py tty.py
doc pdb.doc tzparse.py
doctest.py pdb.py unittest.py
DocXMLRPCServer.py __phello__.foo.py urllib2.py
dumbdbm.py pickletools.py urllib.py
dummy_threading.py pipes.py urlparse.py
dummy_thread.py pkgutil.py UserList.py
email plat-linux2 user.py
encodings poplib.py UserString.py
filecmp.py posixfile.py uu.py
fileinput.py pprint.py wave.py
formatter.py pty.py weakref.py
fpformat.py pyclbr.py webbrowser.py
ftplib.py pydoc.py whichdb.py
getpass.py Queue.py whrandom.py
gettext.py quopri.py xdrlib.py
gopherlib.py reconvert.py xml
gzip.py regex_syntax.py xmllib.py
heapq.py regsub.py xmlrpclib.py
hmac.py rexec.py zipfile.py
hotshot rfc822.py
Have noticed that python-minimal is installed with Unbuntu and can't be
easily removed, but running "which python" shows it's running the
proper version (python2.4). Any ideas?
Many Thanks,
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