CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

Ilias Lazaridis ilias at lazaridis.com
Wed Jun 7 08:33:15 EDT 2006

Simon Willison wrote:
> Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
>> [posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6
>> recipients relevant to the topic]
>> I have implemented a simple schema evolution support for django, due to
>> a need for a personal project. Additionally, I've provided an Audit:
>> http://case.lazaridis.com/wiki/DjangoAudit
>> As a result, I was censored ('banned' from the development list)
> Please see this message for background:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/msg/5a96eabf75f2b9c7

what 'background'?

> To summarise, it was felt that Ilias was deliberately trolling the
> mailing list. 

It was 'felt', by whom?

If anoyone has 'deliberately trolled', that it was the 

This is simply unbelievable that I am attacked on a _personal_ level, 
and additionally _removed_ from the discussions groups.

> No further explanation seems necessary.

Please do yourself a favour and read the provided thread fully:


If you are honest, than you have to admit that it is not me who's 



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