Having problems with strings in HTML

and-google at doxdesk.com and-google at doxdesk.com
Tue Jun 27 23:39:19 EDT 2006

Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

> I've never encountred a browser getting tripped up by it. I suppose you
> might need it if you've got parameters called quot or nbsp

There are many more entities than you can comfortably remember, and
browsers can interpret anything starting with one as being an entity
reference, hence all the problems with parameters like 'section' (->
ยง). Plus of course there's nothing stopping future browsers
supporting more entities, breaking your apps.

Just write &. There's no reason not to (except ignorance). The fact
that so much of the web is written with broken HTML is not an argument
for doing the same.

And Clover
mailto:and at doxdesk.com

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