Writing an OPC client with Python ?

Jarek Zgoda jzgoda at o2.usun.pl
Sat Mar 4 06:17:08 EST 2006

pierlau napisaƂ(a):

>> You can call methods/functions in a .dll using ctypes.
>> http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/
> I have tried with ctypes.
> I acheived to load the library
> it works when I use following instructions :
>     print windll.OPCDAAuto or print cdll.OPCDAAuto
> (i see an handle number)
> But I can't run the functions?
> I there a way to 'see' the inside of the dll
> (i.e. to list the methods)  ?

Look for C header file (*.h) for this library or find docs.

Jarek Zgoda

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